Absences from school
The roll teacher requires a note of explanation from a parent / caregiver the day of return to school. Law requires this. If the student is absent for several days, the parent / caregiver is requested to telephone the school. A note from the parent / caregiver is still required on the day of return to school. Letters detailing unexplained absences are sent to parents on a regular basis.
Bicycles / Skateboards / Scooters / Inline Skates
Bicycles, skateboards, scooters and in line skates are not permitted on school grounds.
Bus / Train passes
Students who travel more than 2 kilometres from their home to school (one way) are entitled to a Opal bus and / or train pass for free travel. Parents must apply for Opal passes online at
See the office staff for details.
The canteen opens at 7.30am for breakfast, recess and lunch.
Early leaver's pass
If for some reason a student has to leave school early, e.g. doctor's appointment, a note is required, set out in the example for absences. The note should be presented to the Head Teacher Administration for authorisation before 8.05am. Parents are requested to confine such appointments, as much as possible, to after school hours.
Passes such as lunch passes are only issued in very special circumstances. A special pass is issued to senior students, especially those in Year 12, to cover flexible timetables.
Homeroom and Late Arrival
There is a warning bell that rings at 8:05am signalling that students should be moving to their assigned Homerooms. If students arrive after 8:10am they are to sign in at the Office and then proceed to their assigned homeroom. If they arrive after 8:20am they are to move to their Timetabled Class. Arriving to school late without a legitimate reason will not be accepted and the parent / caregiver of such students will be contacted as a first measure.
If parent / caregiver contact does not rectify the problem, students will be placed on a punctuality card. Students on a punctuality card will need to report to the Head Teacher Administration every day before 8.10am to have their card stamped. Parents / caregivers will also need to sign the card to indicate that they are aware of the time that their son arrived at school.
Homework centre
Blacktown Boys' operate a Homework Centre two days per week. The centre is hosted in the school library from 2.20pm- 3.10pm Tuesday and Thursday afternoons. The Homework Centre is staffed by experienced teachers who can assist students with homework, assignments or private study. There is no charge for attendance but a signed permission note is required.
If a student is sick at school then the following will apply:
In class
The student is to inform the teacher who will issue a note to take to the clinic if the teacher feels it is warranted. If the student is considered too ill to remain in class, a parent/caregiver will be requested to pick up the student from school. In cases of emergency the school may call an ambulance.
Outside class
Students are to report directly to the nearest teacher and then to the clinic. Parent / caregivers are requested not to send students to school if they are feeling sick. The school does not have the resources to look after sick children throughout the day.
The library's operating hours are from 8.10am to 2.40pm. Recess and lunch are for general student use. During class time it is open for staff, class groups, students, researching assignments with the permission of their teachers, and senior students on their study periods. Students can borrow library resources for a period of two weeks.
Liquid paper and felt pens
Students are not to bring liquid paper, thick felt tip pens or any other materials, which are not required for writing in exercise books.
The school is not permitted to administer any medication to a student unless prior written arrangement is made with the Principal. Unless absolutely essential, parents are asked to administer any medication at home. In cases where special arrangements need to be made, all medications for students must be submitted with clear instructions from the prescribing doctor together with an indemnity form.
School newsletters are produced in Week 5 each term. Newsletters can be accessed on our website.
Parents' and Citizens' Association
The school P&C Association meets on the third Tuesday of each month at 10.00am in the school Common Room. All parents are encouraged to attend these meetings so that they can participate in events run by the school and support its goals and help celebrate its achievements.
Parent / Teacher Interviews
Parents are encouraged to contact the school regarding any difficulties their son is experiencing or matters concerning their son. If the school is made aware of these then it can provide support and take appropriate actions. Please ring for an appointment so that the appropriate staff are available to assist you.
All payments may be made at the front office from Monday to Thursday using eftpos or cash. Alternatively payments may be made on our school website: look for "Make a Payment" tab, the process is the same as paying your bills online or on your mobile device.
Peer support
Students from Year 10 conduct a Peer Support Program. This operates weekly during the first term of Year 7 and then twice a term for the remainder of the year. In this program the specially trained students conduct activities, which assist students in their adjustment to high school.
Mobile phones are not to be used at school. Every student is allocated a Yondr pouch to safely store their mobile phones until the end of the school day. All communications must be made through the front office. The use of videophones is prohibited, as there is the potential for breach of privacy laws.
Positive Behaviour for Learning
Blacktown Boys' High School is a PBL, Positive Behaviour for Learning school. Through the promotion positive behaviours, the teaching of appropriate social skills and the management of problem behaviours, we are able to ensure a safe and respectful learning environment for everyone.
All property should be clearly marked with the owner's name. Books, coats, bags and other property should not be left around the school. All deliberate or careless damage to school property, these breakages must be paid for or replaced. Any damage such as a broken window must be reported to the Deputy Principal. The cost of repairs is the responsibility of those who caused the damage and an invoice will be sent to the parent/career of the student responsible for the breakage.
School uniform
The Blacktown Boys School community endorses and values the importance of wearing correct school uniform. At Blacktown Boys High School there is a juniour and Senior High school uniform.
School uniforms serve two purposes. From an equity viewpoint - all students regardless of socio-economic and cultural background etc., have access to the same uniform. Consequently, no student is singled out or discriminated against because of what they wear. In addition to this, school uniforms allow staff to identify who does and who does not belong at the school. This is a safety issue when trying to identify who belongs to our school community.
Every parent who chooses Blacktown Boys High School for their child has a responsibility to work with the agreed parameters of the school to ensure students are easily recognised by wearing correct school uniform.
The correct uniform should be worn everyday. Sport and P.E gear should be brought when needed in a bag. Please see below for the correct uniform for your child.
School Shoes
Full School uniform includes black shoes - preferably fully enclosed black leather shoes.
Below is an excerpt from the Footwear Guidelines for NSW Government School:
The department, through its WHS Policy, is committed to providing a safe working and learning environment for all employees, others undertaking work, students and visitors, in accordance with statutory and regulatory obligations and corporate objectives. Footwear is an important safety item. Good soles provide a sound grip on the floor preventing accidents such as slips, trips and falls from occuring. Footwear can also protect feet from damage caused by accidents such as falling objects or chemical spillages. These guidelines have been developed to assist NSW government schools in providing a safe working and learning environment. Schools which already have risk management controls in place in relation to footwear should refer to these guidelines when reviewing and evaluating those controls.
Areas where safe footwear MUST be worn:
In accordance with the Safe Working Policy, the Department has identified areas of its workplaces where appropriate footwear must be worn by employees, students and visitors to ensure their safety. Areas where enclosed leather footwear (or other material confirmed by the manufacturer to be suitable, refer to Australian/NZ Standard 2210: Safety Protective and Occupational Footwear) is required are:
- Industrial Arts and trades workshop areas
- Science labatories
- Canteen or Food Technology (kitchen areas)
- Art classes
Junior School (Years 7-9)
Grey cotton / polyester, short or long sleeves, with embroidered school crest.
Trousers / Shorts
Grey cotton drill (no track pants or cargo pants).
Black with leather uppers.
Maroon with white bands.
Maroon (fleecy lined) with embroidered school crest.
Maroon fully lined zip jacket with embroidered school crest.
Black cap with gold embroidered BBHS.
Senior School (Years 10-12)
White cotton / polyester, short / long sleeves, with embroidered school crest.
Trousers / shorts
Black cotton drill (no track pants or cargo pants).
Black with leather uppers.
Maroon with white bands.
Maroon (fleecy lined) with embroidered school crest.
Maroon fully lined zip jacket with embroidered school crest.
Black cap with gold embroidered BBHS.
Maroon with embroidered school crest.
School tie with embroidered school crest.
Maroon polo shirt with embroidered school crest.
Black school sport shorts with gold embroidered BBHS.
Track pants
Black school track pants with gold embroidered BBHS.
Maroon with white bands.
Joggers, track shoes or sandshoes.
Grade Sport:
Each grade sport has a particular uniform.
All students competing in Grade or Knockout teams must wear the correct school uniform or uniform supplied for that sport.
If for any reason your son is unable to wear his correct uniform, please write a note and sign it, explaining reason and length of time and have him wear appropriate alternative clothing. The Head Teacher - Administration, Ms Hussein, must sign this note and will issue your son with a temporary uniform where possible, or a uniform pass. If available, the temporary uniform must be worn.
Jewellery of any type is not permitted to be worn with the school uniform
A small stud or sleeper may be worn in ears except in workshops or for PDHPE / Sport for safety reasons. Small religious symbols on necklaces eg, a cross, may be worn. No necklaces, wristbands or other fashion adornments are suitable for wearing with the school uniform.
Selective High School Component
In 2010 Blacktown Boys' became partially selective. Students across Sydney sit for the selective high school exam and have the opportunity to elect Blacktown Boys as their preferred school. A Year 7 class with a maximum of 30 students began operation in 2010, with an additional class added every year from then on. This has had no negative impact at all on local Blacktown area students. Places for local area boys will always be guaranteed at the school, with waiting lists only applying to out of area students if necessary. The positive impact of selectivity, ie teacher training and resourcing has flowed on to all students at Blacktown Boys' High School.
School sport for Years 7 and 8 is Wednesday period 1 and 2. Years 9 and 10 is Wednesday period 5 and 6. All students are expected to participate in sport. Sport uniform and appropriate clothing must be worn.
Sport code of conduct
Any student representing the school must agree to the school's Code of Conduct. This Code applies to coaches, parents and spectators.
The purpose of the Code of Conduct is to:
- ensure appropriate behaviour from players, coaches, spectators and administrators,
- ensure the good name and reputation of the school,
- encourage all participants to engage in sport in its highest ideals and values.
Students who do not agree to this Code of Conduct will not represent the school.
Student Transition Reports
Teachers, through observation, assignments and class tests continuously monitor student progress. Some subjects involve formal half yearly and yearly examinations. Parents of students in in Years 7 and 11 will be provided Transition Reports in term 1 and 3. These provide information on their son's intial progress in these two transition periods. Parents will be notified throughout the year if their son's progress is causing concern.
Supervision of students before and after school
Parents / Caregivers are reminded that direct supervision of the playground is not provided before school. Students who arrive early at school are advised to report any accidents or issues directly to the Deputy Principal or Principal. No supervision is provided after school other than in the bus area. The only exceptions to this are Sport training, before and after school lessons, debating, etc. These will only occur under the supervision of a teacher and parent / caregivers will be notified.
The school provides textbooks for all subjects as required. They are issued on a loan basis and remain the property of the school. Students are expected to look after their textbooks for the duration of the year and return them to their class teacher at the end of the school year or as requested. Loss of, or damage, to a textbook will incur a replacement fee.
Students must travel to and from school by the most direct route. They are not to loiter in shops, at stations, parks, etc on either journey. Students should arrive at school by 8.00am, and congregate/assemble in the main quadrangle area. For the safety of our students, parents are requested not to park in the school car park to drop off or collect students in the morning or afternoon.
Valuables such as mobile phones, walkmans, discmans, game boys, MP3s, iPods, credit / bank cards and the like should not be brought to school. The school accepts no responsibility for loss, damage or theft.
Year advisers and school counsellor
Each year group has a Year Adviser whose role is one of pastoral care. Parents are encouraged to contact the Year Adviser regarding matters of general progress and adjustment to the school. All matters are dealt with sympathetically and in confidence. The School Counsellor is at the school and provides a range of skills and knowledge to help students and parents. Interviews are arranged through the school or directly with the Counsellor.
Anti-Violence - "Hands off" policy
As a means of creating a happy and safe environment the school has a "Hands Off" Policy, which means just that. Students are not to engage in pushing, shoving, fighting or bullying. Any student who is involved in fighting will be suspended. The "Hands Off" Policy relates to verbal abuse as well (bullying).
Classroom expectations
Everyone will be on time especially after breaks and at the beginning of the day.
Students will:
- enter the room in an orderly manner
- take caps off inside
- be dressed appropriately: Shirts on, collars down, buttons done up
- be prepared with: pens / books / folders / diary/appropriate equipment /clothing
- put bags on the floor (not on the desk)
- sit on chairs with all four legs on the ground (to avoid breaking the furniture through misuse)
- not use personal headphones / earpieces (No walkmans, discman, MP3 players, ipods, phones used as radios and so on.)
- have mobile phones switched off
- not eat or drink in the classroom without the teacher's permission
- only leave the room with the teacher's permission.
At the end of the lesson:
- put rubbish in bin
- tidy desks
- put chairs under desks
- only leave with teacher's direction
- walk promptly to the next lesson
Chewing gum
The chewing of gum and the possession of it is not allowed. All classrooms are carpeted and gum causes widespread damage.
A student associated with drugs in any way can expect to have his place in the school under review. It should be noted that it is mandatory for the school to report cases of drug use to the Police.
Knives and weapons
The possession of firearms, cartridges, fireworks, and crackers explosives of any kind, as well as knives or razors of any description is strictly forbidden. Toy and replica weapons are also forbidden.
Any student who is found to be stealing can expect to have his place at the school under instant review.