I would like to welcome you and your child to the Blacktown Boys School Community. The staff at Blacktown Boys take pride in providing the best possible education for your child so that they become successful citizens within the greater community. The school has a strong and renewed focus on delivering a quality learning experience focussed on self-disciplined behaviour and self-disciplined learning. The expectations regarding your child’s behaviour and engagement in his learning are high, consequently, there is zero tolerance towards those who want to impede the learning of others. The school strives to achieve the best possible outcomes for your child, but like all relationships, all parties; the school, the parents and the child, must work together to bring about a successful outcome. In a dynamic world where change is constant, expectations at work are high and where competition is cutthroat, your child’s success comes down to the choices, relationships and attitudes he develops at school with the staff , his peers and his work ethic.
At Blacktown Boys High School we:
• Have an emphasis on self-discipline and achievement to achieve one’s personal best;
• Have a broad challenging and innovative curriculum which maximises student choice;
• Have the provision of a selective class in each year for those students who have been successful in the New South Wales Selective High School Placement Test;
• Offer the opportunity of a dedicated Gifted and Talented class;
• Have a comprehensive student wellbeing program emphasising care and support for each and every student;
• Have a comprehensive discipline policy which develops self-discipline and responsibility;
• Run a “Step Up” program designed to transition boys from Year 6 to post-secondary life;
• Have a policy of strict school uniform agreed to by the school community;
• Have a strong sporting tradition with opportunities to participate in a wide variety of recreational and competitive sports;
• Are equipped with four fully equipped computer rooms, video editing equipment, music recording studio, soccer pitch, football pitch, cricket oval, a gym, outdoor table tennis facility and a chess club. We also have refurbished our tennis courts and have state of the art kitchen facilities and science laboratories;
• Offer Peer Support, Mock Trial, Debating, Let’s Swim and many more special programs and opportunities throughout the year.
• Provide strong mentoring links with Macquarie University, University of Western Sydney, University of Sydney and University of New South Wales.
• Ensure students also benefit from our strong links with Stockland and Citibank through our partnership with ABCN (Australian Business Community Network). Boys from Year 8 – 11 engage in mentoring programs, skill development, job training and a number of cultural activities during their visits to the CBD offices and other sites around Sydney’s CBD.
As Principal of Blacktown Boys High School, I encourage all our boys to discover their true academic potential, to be involved in sport and to engage in the various cultural activities the school offers. The ‘new direction’ the school has taken focuses on every student being engaged, being ‘Directors’ of their own educational journeys; choosing their pathways which will lead them towards their goals and aspirations when they leave school. At Blacktown Boys High School, we have the staff, resources and mind-set to provide the best possible education for your child. The question is whether your son has the motivation and courage to work hard, engage in their learning and achieve their best. I welcome each and every one of you to Blacktown Boys High School where the mindset amongst the staff and students is “professionalism, engagement and success”.
Mr Robert Murie
Rel Principal